Health benefits
Bone health boost
Prunes are full of bone-building nutrients: vitamin K, potassium, boron, sorbitol and polyphenol antioxidants which are different bone-building nutrients to those found in dairy.

Vitamin K contributes to normal bone structure with 17g per serve of prunes or 21% of vitamin K's recommended daily intake.

Potassium also plays a role in improving bone mineralisation and a serve of prunes contains 375mg of potassium.

Boron is a mineral essential for bone growth, maintenance and regeneration. It boosts magnesium absorption, reduces calcium losses and helps the body make use of vitamin D - all bone-building nutrients.

Prunes provide 0.9mg boron per serve.

Sorbitol (6g/50g) may help the body absorb calcium.
Prunes contain 470mg GAE/50g of total polyphenol antioxidants -and especially the antioxidant chlorogenic acid (22mg/50g). Chlorogenic acid, which is also found in coffee, may help improve calcium absorption, and reduce markers of bone breakdown thus preserving bone mineralisation.
Prunes have it all when it comes to long-lasting health benefits. They are packed to the brim full of powerful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre. This combination is a great booster to our overall health, immune system and well being.
Bone Health Boost
Prunes are full of bone-building nutrients: vitamin K, potassium, boron, sorbitol and polyphenol antioxidants which are different bone-building nutrients to those found in dairy.

Vitamin K contributes to normal bone structure with 17g per serve of prunes or 21% of vitamin K's recommended daily intake.

Potassium also plays a role in improving bone mineralisation and a serve of prunes contains 375mg of potassium.

Boron is a mineral essential for bone growth, maintenance and regeneration. It boosts magnesium absorption, reduces calcium losses and helps the body make use of vitamin D - all bone-building nutrients.

Prunes provide 0.9mg boron per serve.

Sorbitol (6g/50g) may help the body absorb calcium.
Prunes contain 470mg GAE/50g of total polyphenol antioxidants -and especially the antioxidant chlorogenic acid (22mg/50g). Chlorogenic acid, which is also found in coffee, may help improve calcium absorption, and reduce markers of bone breakdown thus preserving bone mineralisation.
Baby safe
Prunes are a nutritious snack during pregnancy and research shows people who eat prunes have a higher diet quality.
Pregnant women can often have bouts of constipation due to iron supplements so fibre, sorbitol and antioxidants, all contained in prunes, help keep bowels moving regularly.
For constipated infants and toddlers try diluted prune juice and when introducing solids try prune puree mixed in natural yoghurt.

Digestive dynamo
Prunes are a source of dietary fibre (3.3g/50g), sorbitol and chlorogenic acid as noted above. Each helps maintain a normal bowel function. Sorbitol helps soften stools by absorbing water and fibre give stools a normal consistency. Chlorogenic acid acts on the muscles of the intestines keeping things moving. Prune fibre also boosts healthy gut bacteria.
Healthy, happy hearts
A 50g serve or about six prunes contains less than 1g of unhealthy saturated fat. Healthy, varied diets low in saturated fat and high in fruits and vegetables, help reduce blood cholesterol and contribute to heart health.
Sodium and potassium are electrolytes involved in blood pressure regulation. A healthy diet, low in sodium that contains a variety of foods also reduces blood pressure.
Prunes are naturally low in sodium with six prunes containing just 1mg of sodium and 375mg of potassium.
Prunes also contain soluble fibre which may help reduce bile acid/cholesterol reabsorption from the intestines.
Long-lasting energy
As a dried fruit, prunes are rich in low GI carbohydrates (GI=29) providing sustained energy. Prune’s natural fruit sugar fructose and sugar polyol sorbitol are both low GI themselves (GI 23 and 9). Plus their high fibre content all contribute to prunes increasing satiety and reducing hunger.

Baby Safe
Prunes are a nutritious snack during pregnancy and research shows people who eat prunes have a higher diet quality.
Pregnant women can often have bouts of constipation due to iron supplements so fibre, sorbitol and antioxidants, all contained in prunes, help keep bowels moving regularly.
For constipated infants and toddlers try diluted prune juice and when introducing solids try prune puree mixed in natural yoghurt.